WIKIBOX is a tab where we introduce you deeper into the secrets of box manufacturing.
It is divided into our key topics.
However, we ask that you first familiarize yourself with the types of boxes we produce.
You will learn more about the options and possibilities at Wikibox.
By clicking on the links below you will enter the following sub-pages:
- GENERAL BUT IMPORTANT – a few general words of introduction and explanation of general principles.
- HOW TO CHOOSE A BOX? (you’ll learn here where it’s best to start the conversation with us, you’ll find an abbreviated comparison of box types, information on which boxes are for what, learn approximate prices, etc.)
- PROTOTYPES (MOCK-UPS) We understand very well that every customer, before ordering the actual print run, may want to touch the goods we are to produce. This is what mock-ups are for. We explain what types of mock-ups there are and when they should be ordered.
- CREASING OR GROOVES? – This is where we begin to delve into production technology. The first issue is very important because it affects the external appearance of the boxes. We explain the difference between the two technologies and show examples of their use.
- COVERS AND PRINTING – The second very important issue. Every box produced with us is wrapped. There are many types of covers and ways to print on them. This is a very wide range of knowledge, but here we tried to simplify it as much as possible and show many examples.
- REFINEMENTS (HS, Screen printings, laminates, Stickers, Embossing)
- BOX BASES (TRAY) (technology, sizes, thickness, cutouts)
- COVER (BINDER) (types, technology, sizes, thickness, folds)
- PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT (shrink foil, cartons, pallet wrappers, pallets)