Very important part of production is packing.
Ready boxes take up a lot of space. We prepare several ways of packing the products.
Boxes are packed in double cardboard FEFCO 200 made of wavie 3-layers cardboards. We have couple standard size of cardboards. Its set/it match to size of the boxes. They are packed from few to several dozen in one cardboard. Between layers we use dividers. Boxes/cardboards are closed with binders/covers. When everything is put on the euro-pallet to the hight that was consulted with customer/client all pallet is wrapping with foil. We use standard pallets and carton labels unless the arrangements with customer/clients were otherwise/ were different.
For maritime transport pallets are packed more tightly and thicker for better protection.
We do not have our own mass transportation. We coraporete with many shipping companies. Often the oraganization of transportation is responsibility of the customer. Before placing an order the transportation should be set up.
Very important aspect of orders in which porducts leave the EU is to precisly determine the parties responsible for customs procedures and preparing all documentatnion.