Inserts made out of 200-500gsm cardboard.
Cardboard inserts are perfect for products which aren’t too heavy.
Cardboard inserts can be made out of materials with white cross-section. They can be printed or processed with most finishes.
It’s also very ecological.

The simplest types of inserts are made out of ECO ‘kraft’ paper. They are simple and don’t require gluing inside a box. After removing the inlay, tray can be used for different purposes.
Insert with baskets.
It’s the upgraded version of above insert. Cardboard basket is added inside the punching, so it closes sides around it.
Inserts with baskets are used for smaller, irregular products and strengthens the punching. Additional finger hole helps with retrieving the product.

Complex cardboard insert.
We can join many types of punchings for products. Sometimes they are quite complex and unique. It all depends on the amount and types of products we want to place within the box.